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Kathmandu to Pokhara Tourist Bus
It may be difficult to find out public transportation in Nepal. Kathmandu to Pokhara tourist bus, online information is very limited, and at best what is mentioned is unclear. However, taking the bus from Kathmandu to Pokhara is not as difficult to figure out as you think. It is easy to buy tickets and it’s not difficult to get to the bus station, but there are some things to learn before you go.
How long does the bus take to Pokhara from Kathmandu?
210 KM west of Kathmandu, the town of Pokhara is known as the paradise city. Tourist bus station in Kathmandu is a 10-minute walk from Thamel at Shorakhutte. If you choose a tourist bus from Kathmandu to go to Pokhara, time is the basic thing you shouldn’t forget.
Despite the fact that there are numerous tourist bus operators, their departure time is the same. The bus leaves at 7:00 AM, but you need to be 30 minutes before departure at the tourist bus station. Tourist bus is strict in time and departure always on time, and it will take up to 7 hours to reach Pokhara depending on road and traffic conditions.
If you miss the time, you may need to go by private vehicle or local transportation, or maybe wait until the next day that you still choose tourist bus option. In case you miss your bus, the price is non-refundable. And if you have a group of your own, you can book the entire bus. The bus will leave according to your time if you make the reservation.
Where to get the local bus from Kathmandu to Pokhara
You can either go to the Kalanki bus stop or to the new bus stop in Gongabu for the local bus. It’s quite easy to navigate Gongabu. Also, if you look confused, somebody is likely to come over and ask what bus you’re trying to find.
How much is the Kathmandu to Pokhara tourist bus ticket price?
This may be the first question you might want to know. There are different fares for various buses. The cost depends on the tourist service that the bus offers.
A standard tourist bus costs between USD 8 to 10 USD. Remember that this only has natural air conditioning (i.e. if you want fresh air, open your window). Deluxe bus costs USD 15 to USD 25, including breakfast, WiFi, this time real air conditioning, and perhaps a bottle of water.
Kathmandu to Pokhara by private car/jeep.
If you are looking for a comfortable private car or Jeep service to reach Pokhara from Kathmandu by road, please note that Himalaya Discovery is always there in your service.
The cost depends on the type and quality of the vehicle. If you’re traveling in a group and need to get back to Kathmandu in just a few days, it may be a good idea to rent a car. A drop-off from Kathmandu to Pokhara is generally going to cost between USD 125 to USD 150.
Is it safe to travel Nepal by bus?
It’s hard to answer this one. In Nepal, road accidents are very common. These accidents’ fatality rate is also high. Often the road from Kathmandu to Pokhara is on the side of a hill where a retaining wall is on one side and a cliff on the other side.
It weaves around blind turns all the time. Nepal drivers tend to go fast and it’s common to go into areas where you can’t see a turn around. Nepalese know how to drive this way, and every single day they drive this route. This could be a long ride if you get motion sickness or are a nervous traveller.
Few Tips for Kathmandu to Pokhara tourist bus
Have food and snacks at all times. It is going be at least 6 – 7 hours, so take some of snacks. There’s a hot food stop along the way (tourist bus stops approx. at 9:30 am for breakfast and 12 pm for lunch).
You will typically stop two to three times in a day for the bathroom and for breakfast and lunch time. We recommend using any toilet you can because you never really know when the next stop is going to be. It could add hours to the journey if you get stuck in bad traffic. Make sure you’ve got your own toilet paper with you.
Final Say
You will learn about history, geography, culture what completes Nepal!
You can always choose different activities or create your own between seeing all the beautiful things that Nepal has. If you want to know anything about anything or talk to us about what you want to see, please contact us.